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Monday, October 25, 2010

Artwork!!! Ain't it Grand.

Artwork:  Hannah Nitecki
The above is the link-artwork I put up on my website ... after over two hours of struggling with the GoDaddy templates.  No wonder website builders charge so much.  You never know when your content will jump away from you to where you don't want it. -- Do you think web designers have more control over the mouses than I do?

The full picture is up on Renna's Tales.  The depiction is the scene where Gorsfeld meets Mariah the first time while she's working in the apple orchard.

Can't believe I've been working on this since August.  Guess patience is a virtue.

Some progress made on the next Renna/Mariah story.  Have the beginning ... and the ending ... and some vague ideas about what's going to happen in the middle.  I'm trying to outline by motivation.  Purpose of story:  to explain why even the Half-Elven are suspicious of elves.  This may be one I put up for e-sale.  

[Frankly, I don't know what I'm doing.] 


  1. I like the picture Kay. I think we all fly by the seat of our pants, at least in the beginning our of writing careers. Let me know if I can help with something.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  2. Thanks for the offer, but I'm probably so helpless I'm beyond help.

    Didn't Hannah do a great job with the picture, and there are more of them coming along. Hopefully, I'll be able to get them up with less effort.

  3. Love the picture.

    Good luck with your new story!

  4. I don't know what I'm doing, either, Kay, but I'm having a lot fun anyway. The picture is lovely.

  5. Pat and everyone -- I wouldn't be writing if it weren't fun.

  6. I see you started another blog Kay. I checked in but don't have time to read it now. I have trouble keeping up with one blog. Why did you start another?
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author
